Most of us have heard of melatonin, it’s the naturally occurring hormone that helps to regulate our sleep wake cycles.
The natural production of melatonin in the body is regulated by our internal clock, or circadian rhythm, which is synchronized with external cues, particularly exposure to light.
Darkness can stimulate the body into producing melatonin, whereas bright light (particularly blue light from screens) can suppress melatonin exposure, which makes it harder to fall asleep and reduces the quality of sleep.
Nowadays, with the prevalence of screens in our day-to-day life, many people suffer from poor sleep wake cycle and simply don’t get enough sleep.
In many cases melatonin supplements or if appropriate, even prescription melatonin could dramatically improve a person’s well-being.
However, in the United Kingdom there is a misconception. Many people think Melatonin is banned and wonder why is melatonin banned in the UK.
However, this is simply a myth. Melatonin is not banned in the UK. We debunk some of these melatonin myths in the article below.
Is Melatonin Legal In The UK?
Melatonin is not illegal in the UK.
It’s unclear where the misunderstanding comes from, but Melatonin is not (and has never been) illegal in the UK.
Perhaps some of the confusion stems from differences in the categorization between melatonin in the United Kingdom vs the United States.
In the USA melatonin is available over the counter and can be purchased at pharmacies, health stores or even at supermarkets in dosages up to 10mg.
However, in the United Kingdom melatonin is categorized as a prescription only medication and requires a prescription signed by doctor, nurse, pharmacist or other healthcare professional.
Can You Buy Melatonin Over The Counter?
In the United Kingdom you can’t buy melatonin over the counter as it is a prescription only medication.
Melatonin can be obtained from pharmacies, but the dispensing pharmacist will require a prescription signed by a healthcare professional.
Can You Get Melatonin In The UK
Can I buy Melatonin in the UK is a common question, the answer is yes. Melatonin is available in the UK.
Nowadays you can order melatonin safely and easily online.
Step 1 – Review Treatment Option:
At Meds for Less, the following products are available:
- Melatonin (Short Release)
- Melatonin (Prolonged Release)
- Other over the counter sleep medications
Step 2 – Complete Consultation:
- Complete a short text-based consultation during the checkout process. The information you provide will be reviewed by a doctor.
- If appropriate, the doctor will write you a prescription for Melatonin.
Step 3 – Your Medication Posted
- Once your medication has been approved, it will be sent to one of our partner pharmacies.
- The pharmacy will package and post your medication to your doorstep. This entire process takes less than one day, meaning you could have your medication as early as tomorrow, and hopefully answer the question can you buy melatonin in the UK!
What Is Melatonin Prescribed For?
In the United Kingdom, melatonin is commonly sold under the Circadin brand. In the United Kingdom Circadin tablets (melatonin) are licensed to treat the following conditions:
- Insomnia in the short-term: Melatonin is indicated for use in adults aged 55 and up. It is indicated at a dosage of melatonin 2mg taken once daily, 1-2 hours before bedtime, for up to 13 weeks.
- Jet lag (short-term only): Melatonin is licensed for jet lag in dosages up to 3mg (increasing to 5mg or 6mg if necessary) for up to 5 days. The first dose should be taken at your home time zone bedtime (after arrival at the destination.) Doses should not be taken before 8pm or after 4am.
What Are the Benefits of Melatonin?
In the UK melatonin is a prescription medication, it should be prescribed by a doctor. Patients should not self-treat with melatonin.
However, clinical studies do show some marked positives outcomes from treatment with melatonin.
- Multiple studies have shown melatonin can improve the quality of sleep in those with insomnia.
- Another study of people with sleep disorders found that melatonin reduced the amount of time it took to fall asleep, increased total sleep time and improved sleep quality.
However, we should reiterate, even though Melatonin is available over the counter in the USA. In the United Kingdom it is classified as a prescription only medicine and should only be taken on the direction of a doctor or healthcare professional.
Is the Use of Melatonin Illegal?
Many people think is melatonin illegal in the UK.
Melatonin is not illegal in the United Kingdom. It is, however, classified as a prescription only medication.
When buying melatonin, you should consult with a doctor or online through a reputable platform such as Meds for Less.
In the United States it’s not uncommon for health stores or even convenience stores to melatonin gummies, even melatonin gummies for kids. In the United Kingdom sale of these type of products would be illegal.
Melatonin is available only on prescription from a doctor, nurse or pharmacist. It is commonly sold under the brand Circadin, as Circadin 2mg tablets.
What Are Some Alternatives to Melatonin for Sleep?
Melatonin is licensed to treat insomnia and some other sleep disorders.
There are several other treatments for sleeping problems available at Meds for Less in the sleep medication category.
Popular treatments at Meds for Less include:
- Nytol One A Night: An over the counter sleeping aid which contains the antihistamine diphenhydramine, known for its sleep inducing properties.
- Nytol Herbal: An over-the-counter herbal sleeping remedy which contains hop strobile, valerian root and passionflower herb. These ingredients work together to induce and maintain sleep.
- Melatonin: A prescription only medication, available most commonly available under the ‘Circadin’ brand.
- However, for many people, the first step to improve the quality of sleep is usually non-pharmacological.
- Most people will be able to improve the quality of sleep by building positive bedtime habits such as:
- Keep A Consistent Schedule: Trying to wake up and sleep at the same time each day helps to reinforce your body’s sleep wake cycle. Establishing a routine will help with quality of sleep.
- Turning Screens Off 1 Hour Before Bedtime: Some of the light emitted from electronic screens is short wavelength blue light, the same wavelength of light seen as the sun rises. This can induce increased alertness, which is not conducive to sleep.· Limit Caffeine Intake: Caffeine can increase alertness and therefore hinders sleep initiation.
Is It Possible to Buy Melatonin In The UK?
Lots of people wonder ‘can I buy melatonin in the UK’
The answer is yes, however unlike in the United States, it is not available over the counter in the United Kingdom.
Melatonin in the United Kingdom is a prescription only medication. To buy melatonin you’ll need to consult with a healthcare practitioner to get a prescription.
Fortunately, at Meds for Less this can be done quickly, safely and conveniently online.