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Who can and cannot take Zopiclone

Zopiclone is a sleep aid used by patients who have insomnia. The drug is highly effective in reducing sleep latency and improving sleep quality. It...

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Zopiclone is a sleep aid used by patients who have insomnia. The drug is highly effective in reducing sleep latency and improving sleep quality. It works by blocking some of the brain’s receptors, particularly those that influence REM sleep.

Despite Zopiclone being a very popular medication (most Adults above 18 years old will have been prescribed it at some point in their lives), the drug is not appropriate for most people.

Who may not be able to take Zopiclone

1. Past History of Allergic Reaction to Zopiclone

If you have a history of allergic reactions to any other benzodiazepine or sleep aid, you should not take Zopiclone. This is because there is a chance of you having an allergic reaction to it, which may be severe.

2. Suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

how to take zopiclone

You should not take Zopiclone if you suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) because it may worsen the symptoms and make them even more severe. This is because the drug may irritate and damage the esophagus, a tube covering the stomach that links it to the stomach. Inappropriate sphincter muscle contractions usually cause GERD during sleep, which also makes Zopiclone ineffective for many people suffering from this condition. There are very few other options for patients suffering from GERD, as Zopiclone is not recommended for this condition.

3. Have a Family History of Seizures

If you have a family history of seizures, you should not take this drug. According to some studies, people who suffer from seizures are more likely to experience them while on Zopiclone.

4. Have Chronic Liver Disease or Insomnia due to Chronic Liver Disease

People with either chronic liver disease or insomnia due to chronic liver disease should not be given Zopiclone. This is because it may worsen the condition and increase the severity of symptoms like fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

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5. Have a History of Drug or Alcohol Addiction

If you have a history of addiction to drugs or alcohol, you should not take Zopiclone. This is because it may react with these substances (if you are still taking them) and increase the severity of withdrawal symptoms. It may also make the withdrawal symptoms very severe and cause complications like seizures.

6. Have Severe Psychosis, Schizophrenia, or other Psychiatric Conditions

Zopiclone should not be given to people who have severe psychosis, schizophrenia, or other psychiatric conditions because it can make them worse by causing suicidal thoughts or worsening hallucinations. Also, it may worsen these conditions’ undiagnosed problems and hinder proper treatment.

7. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Mothers

Zopiclone should not be taken by pregnant mothers or breastfeeding mothers who are planning to conceive at any time in the future. This is because the drug may affect fetal growth and development and even lead to malformations in children after birth.

8. Have Heart Problems

This drug should not be taken by people who have heart problems. This is because it may affect the function of the heart, leading to it becoming abnormally slow and irregular. This can also increase blood pressure and decrease blood flow in the body, causing serious problems to health.


Don’t ignore the advice if you have any of these conditions or have been advised against taking Zopiclone. It would help if you never disregarded medical advice, as it could lead to serious consequences. However, if you don’t have any of these conditions but would like to take Zopiclone, your doctor will be able to give you a prescription after due examination and evaluation.

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