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Stop Smoking Medications

What treatments are available to help me quit smoking?

Smoking Cessation is a commendable, albeit difficult journey to progress on. The physical, mental and financial health benefits of quitting smoking are immense and can have a hugely positive impact on you and your loved ones.

At Meds For Less, we know that quitting smoking is not easy. We understand that this process requires a combination of behavioural therapies, cessation medications , guidance from counsellors and healthcare providers and possibly, Nicotine replacement therapy.

Below, along with our catalogue of effective treatments meant to help you or loved ones quit, you will also find the cost of smoking cessation medications and treatments to help you make this positive and informed decision on your journey.

You can easily, discreetly and reliably order smoking cessation medicines from us and expect next day delivery to your home address so that you can quickly begin your positive journey towards a healthier future.

There are multiple resources and treatments available in the UK to help you quit smoking. These can include counselling, NHS stop smoking services, the use of medications or the use of nicotine replacement therapy.

The NHS offers a range of support services to help you quit smoking, such as the NHS stop smoking service, the NHS smokefree website and app and NHS quit-online. These services provide face to face or virtual counselling form trained advisors and can offer personalized quit plans and personal progress trackers.

In addition to these conservative measures, there are also medical based measures such as nicotine replacement therapies (NRT). These therapies aim to provide a controlled dose of nicotine at a steady pace to reduce withdrawal symptoms. They include nicotine patches, nicotine gums, nicotine lozenges , nicotine sprays or nicotine inhalers. NRT is safe and more effective when options are used in combination.

Prescription medicine to stop smoking cigarettes Like Bupropion (Champix) and Varenciline (Champix) can help reduce cravings, reducing the reward sense gained by smoking and hence withdrawal symptoms.

Sometimes E-cigarettes or Vapes can be recommended by the NHS stop smoking services as a tool to help quit smoking. Although these options are not completely harmless, they are 95% less harmful than smoking cigarettes.

Please consult your healthcare provider or the NHS stop smoking services for more information about help for quitting smoking.

Types of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) helps provide a controlled low dose of nicotine to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms without the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. There are different types of NRT including:

  • Nicotine Patches:
    • These patches allow for the steady, continuous and low dose delivery of a steady dose of nicotine through the skin over a 16-24 hr period. These patches are available Over the Counter (OTC) or by prescription and are normally applied to a clean and dry area of skin such as the upper arm or torso.
  • Nicotine gum
    • Chewing this gum releases nicotine which is absorbed in the body through the lining of the mouth. This gum is available as an over the counter medication to stop smoking and also by prescription. It can come in multiple flavors. Its effective in helping those with sudden nicotine cravings.
  • Nicotine lozenges
    • Work similar to nicotine gum, the lozenges slowly dissolve in the mouth and release nicotine that is absorbed through the oral lining. It is good for discrete use and can help manage cravings throughout the day.
  • Nicotine nasal spray
    • Prescription nasal sprays are sprayed into each nostril and deliver a quick burst of nicotine through the nasal lining and is best for helping heavy smokers who need a quick relief from intense cravings.
  • Nicotine mouth spray
    • This spray delivers nicotine rapidly through the mouth lining for rapid relief from cravings. Its quick, easy to use and available both OTC or a prescription.
  • Nicotine inhalers
    • These inhalers mimic the action of smoking a cigarette by delivering nicotine through a small plastic device. These devices are really good for smokers who miss both the nicotine and the physical act of smoking. These inhalers are available both OTC and through prescriptions.

Combining nicotine intake from two or more NRT products tends to be more effective in helping smokers quit. Always take advice from a healthcare professional before combining NRT products.

Health Benefits From Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking can lead to many immediate and long term benefits for your body and your mind. A brief overview of these Immediate and long-term benefits can include:


Within 20 minutes:

  • Heart rate and blood pressure begins to get back to normal

Within 8 hours

  • Carbon monoxide levels in the bloods drop
  • Oxygen levels increase

Within 24 hours

  • Risk of heart attack reduces
  • Nicotine and carbon monoxide is almost eliminated from the body

Within 48 hours

  • Nerve endings are replaced , improving taste and smell
  • The body is completely free of nicotine

Within 72 hours

  • Lung capacity increases
  • Breathing becomes easier as the airways relax and open up

Short term benefits (1-3 months)

  • Improved circulation to the hands and feets, making blood flow and activity easier
  • Better lung function, improving wheezing , coughing and shortness of breath
  • The improved lung function allows more oxygenation in the body reducing fatigue

Long term benefits (1 year and beyond)

  • Within a year, the risk of coronary heart disease drops to that of a non smoker
  • Within 5 years, the risk of having a stroke drops to that of a non-smoker and the risk of some mouth, bladder and esophageal cancers occurring is significantly reduced.
  • Within 10 years, the risk of lung and throat cancer also reduces to half
  • Within 15 years, the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke reduces to that of a non-smoker.

There are also mental health benefits such as reducing anxiety and stress, improving mood and focus.

The financial benefits of cost saving from not buying cigarettes and reduced healthcare costs – from not having smoking related illness are also significant.

There are many benefits from quitting smoking, including physical health benefits but also mental health benefits and financial health benefits. Please speak to your healthcare advisor or Stop Smoking counsellor for more benefits related to quitting smoking.

What happens when you quit smoking?

Quitting smoking has multiple physical, mental and financial health benefits to you and your loved ones. The positive effects of quitting smoking are cumulative and can be seen on an immediate, short term and long term basis. A brief overview of these effects can be found below:

The following are immediate effects you see when you quit smoking:

Within 20 minutes:

  • Your heart rate and blood pressure begin to get back to normal

Within 8 hours

  • Carbon monoxide levels decrease
  • Oxygen levels increase

Within 24 hours

  • The risk of a heart attack begins to decrease

Within 48 hours

  • Nicotine is completely withdrawn from the body
  • Nerve endings repair themselves and the sense of taste and smell is enhanced

Within weeks to months, you’ll see:

2 weeks to 3 months:

  • Blood circulation improves making exercise and physical activity easier
  • Lung function improves reducing symptoms like shortness of breath and coughing

Within 1-9 months:

  • The lung function to clear mucus increases making you less prone to infections
  • Energy levels rise
  • Within a year
  • The risk of coronary artery disease falls to half of that of a smoker

Long term effects of quitting smoking include:

Within 5 years

  • The risk of having a stroke decreases to that of someone whose never smoked
  • The risk of developing cancers of the mouth, bladder, oesophagus and bladder is cut in half

Within 10 years

  • The risk of dying of lung cancer is cut to half
  • The risk of developing cancer of the throat or voice box significantly decreases

Within 15 years

  • The risk of coronary heart diseases matches that of a non smoker
  • Risk of death from as smoking related causes matches that of a non smoker

Mental health benefits of quitting smoking include:

Increased mental clarity after a few days – nicotine withdrawal may cause initial irritability or difficulty concentrating but after a few weeks, the brain chemistry stabilizes

Reduced stress due to the broken cycle of addiction , stress and anxiety

You may also feel greater self esteem and pride on having accomplished the hard task of quitting smoking

Financial benefits of quitting smoking include more saved money to spend on other hobbies and interests rather than expensive tobacco products.

Quitting smoking is a process with many benefits however it requires a lot of work. It is beneficial to quit smoking under the guidance of a healthcare provider or a quit smoking counselor. Your quitting journey may involve a combination of Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), meds for stop smoking and some behavioural therapies.

Please consult your counsellor or healthcare provider about how you wish to proceed on your quit smoking journey.

Are there any side effects to prescription stop smoking medication?

There can be some side effects to the prescription smoking cessation medications such as Vareniciline (Champix) and Bupropion (Zyban), however these side effects don’t affect everyone and even if they do occur, they are often temporary and mild.

Varenicline (Champix) is a stop smoking medicine which works by stimulating nicotine receptors in the brain, hence reducing nicotine cravings and also the sense of reward received by the brain in response to smoking. Its common side effects include:

  • Nausea (especially in the first few weeks)
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia and abnormal dreams
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness

Rarer but more serious side effects include:

  • Serious mood changes/ swings (anxiety, depression and irritability)
  • Gut issues such as constipation, indigestion or diarrhea
  • Serious drowsiness or dizziness

If you experience worsening depression or thoughts of self harm, its important you consult a healthcare professional immediately

Bupropion (Zyban) is a typical antidepressant which works as a cigarette cessation medication and helps reduce nicotine cravings and withdrawals by affecting the brain chemistry. Its common side effects include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Insomnia (Trouble sleeping)
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Weight gain or weight loss

Rarer but more serious side effects include:

  • Small risk of seizures (risk increases if you have history of seizures, heavy alcohol use or certain other medications

!!! If you experience any seizures or episodes of epilepsy please immediately seek medical attention.

Please consult your healthcare advisors about the full effects of prescription medication for smoking cessation and which one would be right for you.

What else can I do to help me quit smoking?

Quitting smoking can be difficult however a combination of the previously discussed quitting strategies such as meds for smoking cessation and NHS stop smoking services can be very effective and improve your chances of success.

You may consider building a quit plan which could involve setting a quit date and choosing to stick with it, identify the triggers that make you want to smoke and remove yourself from them and replace smoking routines with other habits such as walking or reading a book.

You can also seek advice on quitting smoking from professional support such as the NHS stop smoking services or talking to your GP about getting Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). Using a combination of the stop smoking services or NRT can also be very effective.

In addition to trying NHS stop smoking and nicotine replacement therapy, you can also try behavioural strategies. Behavioural strategies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can address smoking triggers and change thought patterns so you don’t feel the need to smoke in response to triggers. Techniques like yoga, meditation or deep breathing can also reduce stress and cravings.

A combination of guided therapies, self help, meds to help stop smoking and NRT can help you effectively quit smoking.

Can I buy Zyban online?

Yes, you can purchase Zyban online at Meds for Less. Simply fill out a short consultation form, and our medical team will take care of the rest. Plus, you can receive your order as soon as the next day with our next-day delivery service. This quick and straightforward process ensures you get the medication you need without delay.

How long do cravings last?

Although each person has a unique experience when quitting smoking, the general pattern for cigarette cravings is that they typically last between 3 and 5 minutes. You can expect the intensity of cravings to peak between 3 and 7 days after your last cigarette, after which they gradually start to subside. Additionally, your blood becomes nicotine-free approximately 100 hours after your last cigarette. This timeline can help set expectations for those quitting smoking, offering some understanding of the process and how long certain effects might last.

If I stop smoking will my gums repair?

Quitting smoking can lead to improvements in gum health, but it’s crucial to remember that results won’t be immediate. Smoking compromises the immune system, weakening its ability to combat bacteria and slowing the healing process. Persistent gum problems caused by smoking will take time to resolve, requiring patience and a robust oral hygiene routine.

Expectations should be realistic—though quitting smoking is a significant step towards better gum health, it can take up to a year to notice visible improvements. During this time, regular dental check-ups and consistent oral care are essential to aid in your gums’ healing and restoration.

What are imitation cigarettes for quitting smoking?

Products like the Nicorette Inhalator can be seen as imitation cigarettes, offering a helpful aid in quitting smoking with a range of benefits. The Nicorette inhalator works by releasing nicotine when you inhale, which is absorbed through the lining of your mouth, providing relief from withdrawal symptoms, and easing cigarette cravings.

Although the Nicorette inhalator doesn’t deliver the same “buzz” that cigarettes do, it effectively manages cravings, helping users gradually reduce their nicotine dependence without the harmful tar and chemicals associated with traditional cigarettes. This can make the journey to quitting smoking more manageable and increase the likelihood of success.

What are the best E-Cigarettes?

E-cigarettes can be a useful tool for quitting smoking, but they aren’t intended as a permanent solution. Our smoking cessation resources offer a wide variety of options for those on their journey to quit smoking. Among these, Nicorette Gum , NiQuitin Patches, and Nicorette Quickmist Mouth spray.

These products can help you manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce nicotine cravings, providing support as you work towards a smoke-free life. While e-cigarettes might be a transitional aid, our other cessation options aim for a longer-term solution, enabling you to ultimately quit smoking and avoid the harmful effects of tobacco altogether.

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