NiQuitin Pre-Quit Clear Patches are designed to aid individuals in their efforts to quit smoking. These patches function by substituting some of the nicotine typically obtained from cigarettes. They are specifically intended for individuals who smoke more than 10 cigarettes daily. While quitting smoking outright is preferable, for those unable to do so immediately, these patches offer a viable initial step towards cessation.
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For adults aged 18 years and over, the NiQuitin Pre-Quit Clear Patches program entails applying one patch daily for 2 – 4 weeks while continuing to smoke as needed. Upon completing this program, individuals should cease smoking entirely and transition to the NiQuitin step-down patch program. This involves utilising NiQuitin Clear patches of decreasing strengths over specific time periods. It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional if there’s difficulty in reducing cigarette consumption after 4 weeks of patch usage. Application instructions emphasize selecting a clean, dry, and hairless area of skin, avoiding creases or irritated skin. Patches should be applied firmly for at least 10 seconds and changed daily, with each patch left in place for 24 hours. Used patches should be disposed of safely. Although the patches typically adhere well, if one falls off, it should be replaced promptly. While intended for 24-hour use, patches can be removed after 16 hours; however, this may diminish their effectiveness. If too many patches are applied or symptoms of nicotine overdose occur, medical assistance should be sought immediately.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products, like NiQuitin Pre-Quit Clear Patches, may present side-effects like those caused by nicotine in cigarettes, with likelihood increasing with nicotine intake, though not everyone experiences them. At recommended doses, NiQuitin Pre-Quit Clear Patches are generally not associated with serious side-effects. However, quitting smoking itself can lead to various symptoms including weakness, tiredness, depression, irritability, and more. Side-effects are categorized based on their frequency, ranging from very common to very rare. Side-effects at the application site may include severe reactions such as redness, itchiness, and swelling (uncommon), while mild redness, itching, and burning sensations are more common and typically resolve within a day. Pain around the application site is common, while allergic skin reactions are very rare. For the full list of side effects please refer to the Patient Information Leaflet.
If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it’s crucial to understand the risks associated with smoking during pregnancy, as it can harm the baby’s health in various ways, including poor growth, lung damage, premature birth, and stillbirth. Quitting smoking is the most effective measure to safeguard both your health and that of your baby, with earlier cessation yielding better outcomes. While ideally, quitting smoking without nicotine replacement therapy (NRT ) is recommended, if this proves challenging, using NRT is safer for both you and your baby compared to continuing to smoke. The nicotine present in NRT is less harmful than the toxic substances found in cigarette smoke. If attempts to quit smoking without NRT have been unsuccessful, healthcare advisors may suggest NRT to aid cessation during pregnancy, with certain precautions to follow. Starting NRT as early as possible in pregnancy is advised, with a recommended duration of use ideally limited to 2 to 3 months, prioritizing cessation of smoking above all else. NRT gum or lozenges are preferred over patches during pregnancy, as they provide nicotine as needed rather than continuously. However, if nausea occurs, patches may be necessary, and they should be removed before bedtime. For breastfeeding mothers, quitting smoking without NRT is still the preferred option. However, if NRT is needed, it’s important to note that the nicotine transferred through breast milk is less harmful to the baby than exposure to second hand smoke. In this case, NRT gum or lozenges are recommended to control cravings as they arise, minimizing continuous nicotine absorption into the body.
NiQuitin patches are available in different strengths, including NiQuitin patches step 3, Nicotine patch step 2, and Nicotine patch step 1. Following the Patient Information Leaflet, individuals can initiate their journey to quit smoking by gradually reducing the dosage strength of the patches. Additional patches and information regarding smoking cessation are accessible on the smoking cessation homepage.
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