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Hair Removal Medications

What Are Hair Removal Medications?

For women, excessive hair growth in unwanted areas is a fairly common condition. It can happen for a variety of reasons including medication side effects, hormonal imbalances, or certain conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. For many people this can have significant effects on their self-esteem. Luckily, there are many ways that you can remove hair and reduce hair growth in unwanted areas.

Hair removal medications are usually topical, meaning you can apply it to areas you want to target. They are used to slow down or decrease hair growing in unwanted places. People can choose to remove hair in a variety of ways such as shaving or waxing, but medicine to stop unwanted hair growth are particularly helpful in the case of a condition called hirsutism.

Hirsutism is attributed to problems with hormonal regulation, certain conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), and side effects of medication such as Danozol which is used to treat endometriosis. With hirsutism, women may notice excessive hair growing on the face, breasts, or lower abdomen.

How Do Hair Removal Medications Work?

Hair removal medications work by slowing down hair growth by applying it to areas with unwanted hair so you can target the hair follicles located there. The most common hair removal medication is called Eflornithine cream, more commonly sold as Vaniqa. Vaniqa works by blocking ornithine decarboxylase which is an enzyme involved in hair production in the hair follicles. By trying to hold back the action of ornithine decarboxylase, Vaniqa can help decrease the growth of hair in target places and also make the hair thinner and therefore less visible over time.

Benefits of Using Hair Removal Medications

There are several benefits to using hair removal medication:

  1. It is effective: If you use it consistently, hair removal medications have been shown to slow down the growth of hair in unwanted places and also make it finer and less visible.
  2. It is convenient: medicine for unwanted hair is easy to put on at home and fairly easy to buy at pharmacies.
  3. It is safe: There is generally a low risk of side effects if you follow the instructions of hair removal medication.
  4. It does not require an expensive or invasive permanent hair removal medicine procedure: Other options for hair removal treatment available can be procedures like laser treatment or electrolysis.

Types of Hair Removal Medications Available

The most widely available hair removal medicine is Eflornithine cream (commercially known as Vaniqa). This is particularly helpful for curbing excessive hair growth in unwanted places such as the face. You apply Vaniqa two times a day to areas that you want to target and over time you should notice results.

Please note that it can often take a few weeks before you start to notice a difference. You can use Vaniqa medical hair removal cream alongside other short-term methods such as shaving or waxing while you wait for the medication to take effect.

How to Choose the Right Hair Removal Product for You

As everyone’s experiences with hair growth are different, there are several factors to think about when you are picking a hair removal product: what part of the body is the unwanted hair in? How much hair is growing there? What kind of product and maintenance works best for you?

With that in mind, here are some tips to help you choose the right hair removal product for you:

  1. Get medical advice: If it is your first time experiencing excessive unwanted hair growth, or it is your first time exploring treatment for it, you should consult a medical professional. They can help you figure out the underlying cause for the excessive hair growth and help direct you to suitable treatment.
  2. What type of skin do you have? If you have sensitive skin then some medication for hair removal may irritate your skin. Check that the product is suitable for your skin type and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.
  3. Lifestyle factors: How convenient is it to use the medication? Does it work with your daily lifestyle?

Safety Tips for Using Hair Removal Medications

Although hair removal medications are generally quite safe, it is still important to be aware of how to use them safely. Here are some tips:

  1. Follow the instructions on the packaging of the medication or your doctor’s advice. Make sure you do not use more than needed.
  2. Be careful when you apply the medication around areas such as the mouth or eyes which can be particularly sensitive.
  3. Common side effects include: irritation, stinging, and redness. If you notice any symptoms that are more severe, stop using the product and seek medical advice.
  4. Use sunscreen regularly and avoid excessive exposure to the sun as medication to stop unwanted hair growth can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight.
What is Facial Hirsutism, and how does it affect you?

Hirsutism is a condition in which a woman’s hair grows excessively in areas where it does not normally grow. Hair grows on all women’s bodies, and while they leave some areas untouched (such as the arms), they choose to remove hair from others (such as the armpits, legs and genital region). Excessive hair growth in other areas, such as the face (especially the chin and upper lip), chest, stomach, and back, is considered excessive.

This hair can be found on all women, but it is usually very fine, light, and short, to the point where it is almost undetectable. Women with hirsutism, on the other hand, see their hair become darker, coarser, and thicker, to the point where it is very noticeable.

This condition is frequently accompanied by acne or other skin problems related to excess oils, in addition to excessive hair growth. With this condition, you may also notice a deeper voice and an enlarged clitoris.

What is the cause of Hirsutism?

A girl’s body begins to produce both male and female hormones when she reaches puberty. The levels of female hormones are usually higher during a woman’s menstrual cycle, resulting in less body hair than in men. However, if these levels are out of whack, male hormones can cause excessive hair growth (androgen).

An increased sensitivity to androgen, polycystic ovary syndrome (which results in increased androgen production), Cushing’s syndrome (increased cortisol hormone production), and Acromegaly are all examples of how this hormone balance can be tipped (a disorder causing too much growth hormone, which affects the hair).

Hirsutism can also be caused by a variety of other conditions, such as kidney disease, changes in the female reproductive system, and certain medications. Unfortunately, many women develop hirsutism for no apparent reason, which is known as ‘idiopathic hirsutism.’

How do I deal with Hirsutism?

It is up to each individual to decide whether or not treatment is necessary, as some women with Hirsutism may not feel the need to have their hair removed. However, for many women, it can have a negative impact on their self-esteem, causing stress and even depression. If you decide to treat excessive hair growth, the severity of the problem will usually dictate the treatment method.

Women frequently seek medical treatment for severe cases of hirsutism. An anti-androgen medication (such as certain types of the contraceptive pill), which is highly effective at reducing excessive hair, could be the first line of treatment. However, because it can take up to 6 months for it to start working, you might prefer to use a cream like Vaniqa instead (or as well). Vaniqa cream has been clinically proven to effectively reduce excessive facial hair growth in women while posing little to no risk of side effects and being simple to use. Both of these options can be purchased from UK Meds with the help of our knowledgeable prescribers.

Traditional hair removal methods are also an option if your condition is less severe (or if you simply don’t want to use medication). Shaving, waxing, plucking, threading, and bleaching can all be used to reduce the appearance of hair, but each has its own set of drawbacks (such as upkeep, pain, and regrowth appearance). Longer-term self-administered solutions, such as laser hair removal and electrolysis, can be effective, but they are also painful, risky, and costly.

Hair removal methods aren’t the only cause of hirsutism; there are also lifestyle factors to consider. Controlling your weight can help to reduce the production of androgens (which slows hair growth), while increasing your vitamin B and protein intake and lowering your carbohydrate intake can also help to alleviate symptoms.

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