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Cold and Flu Medications

What are the symptoms of cold and flu?

Lots of people suffer from colds and flus, especially during the winter months.  At Meds for Less we stock a range of herbal remedies, over the counter products and prescription medications which can help manage symptoms such as headaches, high temperatures and aches and pains.

The Cold and Flu (Influenza) are both viral illnesses that affect the respiratory tract, however the symptoms of the flu are usually more intense and can leave you bedridden, whereas the symptoms of the common cold tend to be more of a nuisance.

medication for chesty cough

The symptoms of the common cold include:

  • Having a runny or stuffy nose.
  • Mild or Frequent sneezing.
  • Mild Sore throat.
  • Mild Body aches and fatigue.
  • Occasional Mild headache.

The symptoms of the flu include:

  • High and sudden onset Fever (37.8°C to 40°C) that sometimes comes with chills and sweats.
  • Intense or severe body aches.
  • Severe tiredness that can last for weeks.
  • Dry persistent cough.
  • Moderate to severe sore throat.
  • Moderate to severe headache.
  • Occasional low-grade fever.

The flu and common cold share many symptoms however the symptoms of the flu are more intense.

Some people who are infected with the Herpes viruses may also experience Cold sores which are small, painful blisters which appear around the lips or the mouth.

How to treat cold and flu with medications?

Treatment for both the common cold and flu are focused on treating symptoms as these are viral illnesses and will not respond to antibiotics. There are various prescription and over the counter, cold and flu medications, for example:

  • Decongestants like Sudafed, that help relieve nasal congestion.
  • Antihistamines that reduce runny noses and watery eyes like Benadryl or Claritin.
  • Cough suppressant medication for chesty cough like Robitussin Chest Cough.
  • Cough thinners like Robitussin Mucus cough.
  • Painkillers like Ibuprofen or Diclofenac or Paracetamol.

All these medicines can be bought safely, reliably and securely from the Meds For Less website for next day delivery to your address.

medication for cough and cold

Difference Between Cold and Flu

The common cold and the flu are viral illnesses that affect the respiratory tract and can have similar symptoms.

The difference between the illness is the severity of the symptoms. Flu symptoms are often more severe than those of the common cold.

Both types of illnesses require adequate rest, and management of symptoms to allow for proper recovery.

Check out our catalogue of cold, flu medications which can be purchased conveniently and reliably online for next day delivery.

What is the best medicine for cold and flu?

There isn’t a ‘best’ medication however there are a range of prescription and over the counter medications cold and flu tablets that can be used to manage the symptoms.

Prescription medications like Tamiflu, Relenza, and Xofluza can help reduce the severity and duration of symptoms if taken within the first 48 hours of symptoms.

For cold sores, you can take oral prescription medicines like Zovirax, Valtrex and Famvir, or topical prescription creams like Denavir.

Over the counter medications such as decongestants, cough suppressants, cough thinners, antihistamines, painkillers and fever reducers can be used to manage the symptoms of flu or cold.

There are also over the counter cold sore medications, such as Compeed, a topical patch which can be applied over blisters to reduce itching or Blistex cream, which can provide temporary relief in some areas.

What do doctors prescribe for cold or flu?

Prescription medications for the flu include Tamiflu, Relenza and Xofluza, which if taken within the first 48 hours of symptom onset can reduce the severity and duration of symptoms.

There are currently no prescription medications for treatment of the flu. However over-the counter medications like decongestants, painkillers and cough suppressants can be used to treat the symptoms of the common cold and of the flu.

Doctors may also prescribe antiviral medications for cold sores such as Zovirax, Valtrex or Famvir which can reduce the severity of cold sore outbreaks and duration the blisters last.

What are the 5 stages of a cold?

The stages are as follows:

Stage 1: The incubation stage, The body is exposed to the virus and infected, symptoms are not showing, but the virus multiplying and spreading.

Stage 2: Early onset stage, early mild symptoms start to appear as the body starts to respond to the infection.

Stage 3: Peak stage, symptoms become intense as the body starts to fight off the cold.

Stage 4: Decline stage, symptoms start improving as the immune system gets the upper hand on the virus.

Stage 5: Recovery stage, the cold is nearly gone, and symptoms have improved but some lingering symptoms remain.

What gets rid of a cold quickly?

There is no designated cold medication but there are potential ways to speed up recovery and reduce the duration and severity of symptoms. Some methods to speed up recovery include:

  • Rest and sleep – Allow your body’s immune system to effectively fight the illness.
  • Hydration – Adequate hydration helps clear the body of infection and makes the mucus thinner and easier to expel.
  • Over the counter medications such as decongestants, antihistamines, pain relievers and cough suppressants to help manage and alleviate the symptoms. 
  • Steam inhalation and humidifiers can help soothe an inflamed nose, relieve congestion and ease a dry throat.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking, smoking and alcohol can weaken the immune system and prolong recovery, smoking actively irritates the respiratory system and prolongs the cough.
Does paracetamol help a cold?

Paracetamol is a good medication for cough and cold, it cannot treat a cold, but it can be used to treat the symptoms of a cold and aid recovery by making you more comfortable while you get better.

In case of a mild fever, paracetamol can help reduce fever and lower the body temperature and make you feel better and aid your recovery.

Paracetamol can also reduce muscle aches, headaches and some other pains that come with a cold. It can also be used to soothe a sore throat.

Calpol is a brand of medication that can be used to treat fever, headaches, muscle aches and body-aches in children, as opposed to paracetamol, which is used to treat adults.

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